Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring Time!

This is my favorite time of year...when it's warm enough to grab a blanket, cup of coffee and soak in the sun on the deck.  Our view is not a neighbor's house, but the city park - so I can sit out there in my jammies and not worry a bit. 

Last night my husband mowed for the first time last night.  I could still smell that wonderful fresh cut grass smell, along with the hyacinths and the freshly tilled ground.  Such pleasant smells, unless you have allergies...

But, surely you can agree that spring is such a perfect time of year.  I know, I know the weather is unpredictable, but even that provides a suspenseful evening.  The season holds so much promise - school is almost out, flowers are blooming, everything is turning green.  I read that gardens are a promise of tomorrow.  I often sit in awe at the creatures and how God thought of every little detail so that they are completely provided for.  It certainly re-affirms my faith when I watch the birds and squirrels. 

This reminds me of the song I learned in kindergarten (yes, a PUBLIC school before God was thrown out), it was "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands."  He certainly does.  He has foreseen every detail and taken care of it.  What an awesome God, worthy of our praise, worship and thanksgiving. 

Spring also means Easter - the resurrection of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  So, along with the gifts of green, flowers and warm weather God arranged during springtime He gave us the ultimate gift.  As we look to re-energize our lives by stepping outside and soaking in the sun and breathing the fresh air, it's also time to re-energize our soul.  Reflect on where we are. . . is it pleasing to God?  Is it worthy of death on a cross?  And finally, are we ready to embrace Jesus the Resurrection and the Life? 

You can deny the Lord, live for yourself, believe in other things - but it is all just one big fat lie that Satan has deceived you with.  I don't care, that's that.  It is the simplest thing on earth, you can make everything else complicatd, but God is God and Jesus came to save the world.  You can be saved, be full of peace and inner joy and make a route to heaven - but you DO have to believe in Jesus Christ.  You DO have to confess He is the Son of God.  You DO have to believe He rose from the dead.  You DO have to believe that God is the only God that created the heavens and the earth and all creation.  It's not hard, it's not scary and if you take out a Bible and read it with an open mind, it will be so completely obvious.   It's time to begin your faith or renew your faith. 

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