Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mary Mary, quite contrary -
Where did your posts go?
Your baby's ears are red
And you haven't been to bed...
But we miss your charm and wit -
So please don't quit!

Anyone else out there miss Mary?  I haven't even talked to her on the phone for days, so shoot up a prayer for sweet little baby boy and for momma too.  He's been rather sick with ear infections, but I'm sure this will give her lots of material to post on! 

My fondest memory of my darling daughter was when she was about a year and a half.  She was terribly sick and had been running a temperature of about 100-103 for a couple of days. We basically did nothing but cuddle and rock during the whole time.  She had even lost her voice and it sounded like a raspy whisper or a lot like those that have the voice translator they have to hold up to their neck to talk.  Honest.

Late one night as I rock her and pray she woke up out of her sleep.  I gave her a drink of water and she reached up and patted my cheek with her warm little toddler hand.  Then she said, " Nice Mommy, Nice Mommy."  Only, she didn't say the first letter of her words, so it sounded more like, "Ice Ommy, Ice Ommy."  I will cherish that moment forever. 

At that  point, I knew without a doubt that God had truly appointed me to be her caretaker.  Children are not accessories for your lifestyle that fit neatly by your side like a matching handbag.  They are blessings from the Creator of the Universe.  Nothing you do will ever be as important as raising your children with love, patience, acceptance, understanding, discipline, consequences for their actions, consistency and faith in Jesus Christ.  Blessings.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Martha's Meltdown

Yes, it happened.  Just like in the Bible, I found myself shouting about how I needed help.  Our lives have been extremely busy and I'm not sure how it happened but it seems as though every minute of every day is filled.  It probably started last weekend when we traveled across the state of Kansas to go to a Junior Bible Quiz meet.  It was great fun and the kids actually got first in the league.  Then we headed home and my Sunday was full of worship and making chocolate covered strawberries & cherries (see previous post).  Monday came and with work, a couple missed orders for Valentine's Day sweets, fiddle lessons, meeting, filling the order of missed sweets and packing up my husband to be gone for several days, I dropped into bed exhausted!  The next couple days were filled with work, then sick child, painting exterior doors of our home (with help from friend) and play practice. Yes, we're in a play too.  Thursday was finish painting, child is better, recycling, cleaning, couponing and husband comes home. Friday is friend appreciation day - where we invited our friends, the Calhouns over for dinner and a movie because we appreciated all their help the last couple of weeks.  Saturday was Blue Grass Festival with Malorie performing and then grocery shopping with our college son, starting pepper seeds of various varieties, and eating out with the parents.  We were also supposed to stop on the way home for a birthday party, but just too tired.  Sunday was worship, cleaning up flower beds (not a whole lot of progress was made) and late night laundry and dishes.  I was trying to take Mary's advice of no matter how tired you are, make sure your sink is shiny.  UGH!  Then, after that it was preparing for the board meeting that was the next day, UGH again!  Monday - work, board meeting, 10 dozen brownies for a company's open house, fiddle, coupon class (skipped coupon exchange) and play practice.  I should also mention that we have managed to do school during this time frame. 

SO - last night, I became irritated at my husband when he's laying on the couch at 10PM and he didn't bring his cereal bowl (snack) to the kitchen and I had to go get it.  The tears came.  And, being a man he wants to just fix it - he doesn't want to listen to me vent or whine, he just wants it better immediately.  Bless his heart.  He did get up and wash dishes while I cried and complained.  I was a first class whiner last night but, being a typical female, the more I talked the better I felt.  I was reminded of Martha in the Book - how she became upset because she had completely lost sight of what was truly important.  No, I don't feel as though I frittered any time away, as I have previously suggested that's why Martha was overwhelmed.  But, I do know that I have taken off more than I can chew.  The problem is what to tone down. . . do I slow down in the ministry that teaches women to coupon and essentially relieves stress in their homes and allows us to show them Christ's unconditional love for us?  Do I quit my job?  In my dreams, but not in the plans right now!  Do I quit gardening?  What?! And not have tomatoes to eat in the summer - not an option.  Besides the hard, tedious part is over.  At least until it's time to put those tomatoes and peppers in the ground.  Do I quit the play?  Nope.  I LIKE pretending to be someone else and taking on someone else's pretend problems.

Well, I think that all will be fine as I sit here on Monday evening.  I have accomplished it all today and I actually feel rather relaxed.  Taking everything one step at a time, remembering to call on Jesus to help me from getting overwhelmed and doing what I do cheerfully is essential.  Some weeks are better than others.   Some weeks, just like this past one, a ton of tasks are accomplished.  Then there are the weeks that you're lucky if your husband has clean underwear to wear to work.  The hard part is not getting frustrated with lack of accomplishment or with having an overload.  Oh, did I mention my son is getting married in 6 weeks?!  Yeah, I'm crazy, I know - but it keeps life eventful!  Blessings!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spring Street Sweets

This Valentine's Day I hung out my shingle and declared myself open for business.  It really wasn't willingly, but from the prodding of a dear friend and coworker.  I didn't hardly advertise, except on facebook for fear of being overwhelmed and still I received five orders of chocolate covered strawberries and cherries.  It was very fun and not nearly as stressful as I feared. 

Several years ago, I took cake decorating classes and have done cakes off and on.  However, cake decorating stresses me out to a whole different level and the worst of "Martha" comes out.  I do enjoy it for myself and family and I have never had a total failure/flop.  But with that being my biggest fear - I decided long ago the stress really isn't worth it.

But, this candy making and goody baking thing is really my cup of tea!  After all, if a strawberry is ugly I can either attempt to remove the ugly design or just eat it!  This week I am making brownies for a  company and their open house event.  I'm not sure why I think that this is less stressful than cakes but it could be the time involved with cake decorating - if you mess it up, you are looking at many more hours to fix it. 

The cake decorating class was well worth the investment though.  I have not hired a cake done and have done various Christmas parties and even did birthday cakes for Martina McBride's dad.  For those of you who do not know who Martina McBride is, shame on you!  Google her right now.  Seriously.  For those of you that do know her - well, my husband dated her and took her to prom.  Oh, but that's totally off subject. 

I would encourage those of you out there to take a cake decorating class, if anything you will learn some techniques, have a great time and make some yummy cake assignments your family gets to eat.  Blessings.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Trading dough for dough

My favorite small kitchen appliance would have to be the breadmaker.  Many choose the kitchenaid mixer, coffeepot or the food processor.  I however, adore my breadmaker.  Mostly because of the large amounts of money it saves me each day. 

A loaf of bread, the real whole wheat healthy kind costs well over $3 at the grocery store.  I can stick in all the ingredients and press one buttom - voila! I have bread.  Even if I just put it on the dough cycle, while it is mixing, kneading, rising and kneading some more I can accomplish a mountain of tasks.  I can vaccuum, do my make up, rearrange a sock drawer, fold and put away a load of laundry and clean the kitchen. Then I hear the magical beep that means it is my turn to take over.  I take out the dough place in a pan or roll into a french loaf and with 10 - 15 minutes of letting it rise and baking it for 20 more minutes in the oven I have amazing, home made bread.  Plus, the cost of making a loaf of bread (aside from electricity) is about 40 cents.  Which means every time I make a loaf of bread I have saved $2.60.  Now, if we want to take that further I have saved about $7.80 per week and $405.60 in a year's time!  Not to mention all the times I take that dough, roll it out add some cinnamon and sugar, roll it back up, cut it, put it in a pan and call it cinnamon rolls rather than buying them. 

The part I love the most is the fact that while this strange small appliance is banging away and making all sorts of strange noises it is doing all the work and saving me serious dough (pun intended) while I run around and do other things.  No more flour smudged face, tired arms and frustration.  Not for me - I use the amazing bread machine!  This is definitely one appliance, should it ever quit, I will make a point to purchase another right away. 

Some pointers would be to look for bread machines that come with a cookbook so you aren't buying expensive preboxed bread mixes from the store.  Also, look for bread machines that may have a multipurpose, mine also has the ability to make butter - and different recipes of butter are also included in the cookbook.  Look for one that has the multiple cycles as well.  This way you can take the dough out when it is finished to do other things or leave it in to bake inside the machine.  Feel free to check out our Amazon links and search for various bread machines.  Blessings.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Well, this next winter weather storm is hitting us - about the same time that we are experiencing some serious spring fever.  Go figure.  Today has been very difficult keeping my daughter on task with her schooling as she flits about from subject to subject.  I can't even keep up long enough to teach her and she's off on another assignment.  That is probably one downfall of the sliding drawer system, she can jump around as much as she pleases.  Generally, it isn't a problem but today it certainly is. Fortunately, she has managed to complete everything except her solar system - we're making a mobile.  First comes the decorating of the planets (girls are so much fun).  Because, you know, we have to make them all pretty and sparkly.  She has also made a Valentine's Day mobile.  I sense a theme in her mind, I wonder how many things will be hanging from hooks and such before this phase passes. . .

I think I have "caught" the random bug, because now I want to talk about my new EdenPURE heater.  It FINALLY came yesterday.  It is so quiet and keeps our drafty living room warm.  I love it!  We have eight windows in our family room that are original to the home and even though there are storm windows on the outside that are fairly new, it is still drafty.  I am anxious to compare utility bills now.  I promise to keep you posted, because EdenPURE sure promises affordability. 

Next.  My dear friend Debi & I gardened together last year and we both learned a lot.  This year we have decided to start our little tomatoes from seeds rather than waiting and buying them from Lowes for buy one get one free.  That was a really great deal, except a majority of the tomatoes were mislabeled and we ended up with about 15 cherry tomato plants.  The kids loved them, but honestly, by the end of August we were all feeling the, "if I see one more cherry tomato, I'm gonna scream!" syndrome.  Plus, because there were so many of them and not of the large tomatoes, it really cut back on our ability to preserve for the winter.  So we went through the site and purchased organic tomato seeds very reasonably.  She also threw in a couple packs of free seeds as well.  The benefit to the organic seeds is, because they haven't been genetically altered, we will be able to harvest seeds at the end of the season and grow from them next winter.  We also purchased from Penny's compatriot, Pepper Joe at for jalapenos for the pickle recipe.  The next step in the process is to make our own seed pots.  That's right, we're not buying jiffy pots from the local hardware/discount store.  We're making our own using newspapers.  This was certainly a venture Debi started, but like most things that Debi starts - it will be a fantastic venture that will work marvelously.  I will get you the link on how to make them, I know it is on you tube. 

As I look outside and see the blustery cold, I realize I would have made a terrible, terrible pioneer wife.  It is easy to fantasize about the simpler times, but in all honesty they were not simple.  Sometimes I feel like a slave to the cell phone, utility bills, vehicle expenses and long for just a roof and a few belongings and the quiet.  But, do I?  Not really.  I can't imagine having no contact with my friends except for on special occasions.  And not because of just lack of transportation, but because there was just no time for it.  We really, truly have it so easy.  Unfortunately the demands of technology can really pull us until we feel like Gumby, but even then it is so easy to eliminate the stress.  If we really wanted to.  After all, the phones could be unplugged or shut off.  Same goes for internet and television.  But if we lived 150 years ago, we'd have to make our own soap from water we carried from the nearby stream, feed our animals and kill them to eat them.  We'd have to walk or ride to town in a rough wagon pulled by work animals.  Our homes would be cold.  Have you ever stopped to think about how cold their houses were in the winter.  Fuel to burn would have been precious and you wouldn't want to waste it because you felt chilled.  You needed it to cook on and all sorts of things.  Everything had a multi-purpose and if it didn't then it wasn't worth having.  A true definition of wants and needs was established and hardly ever crossed.  Well, something to think about anyhow...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Follow, follow, follow, follow . . . follow Mary n Martha! (to the tune of "Follow the Yellow Brick Road"

OK ladies (and gents) - we know you're out there because we see the stats!  Go ahead & sign up because we're just ITCHING to give away!  Check out Mary's Gizmo & Gadget page 'cause we're giving away the laminator she featured - that's right!  It's great, it works and it's REALLY fun to play with.  Don't worry, yours is new but we each have one and the possibilities are endless.  I have made a 'cursive license' for my daughter because she was so proud of completing 2 complete cursive books.  It is complete with her name, date and picture.  I have also laminated many blue grass festival certificates for her (she plays the violin). 

It's super easy, just click on the follow button above the list of our current followers.  I do think you need a google, hotmail or yahoo account - so set one up if you don't have one already.  Don't worry, it's free. 

We adore our readers, fellow bloggers and followers.  It is such a blessing to share our experiences and ideas with all of you.  Blessings!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Reduce - Reuse - Recycle . . . It works!

   So, I've felt a little guilty over the years since we have moved to town that I didn't recycle.  I know, it's sad and disgraceful.  But, in my mind it was just one more thing to do.  I tend to shut down and self sabotage when I 'm on overload. 
   Several months ago, I started recycling.  Not on purpose (being honest), but because I had started 'dumpster diving' with a friend for coupons.  Seriously.  After about the third or fourth time, I realized I could participate in this civic duty of recycling and it would give me a more legitimate excuse to be there.  It also gave my daughter something to do while I was digging through the papers.  She went around and located the proper bin to put all our once trash, now recyclables in. 
   Now, I am in awe that my recycle pile is larger than my actual trash pile is each week.  We don't have a trash compactor, but still our family generates about 1 bag each week that the wonderful sanitation workers pick up. 
   Speaking of our sanitation workers, I think they are just great.  It's such an unpleasant job in my opinion but they are there, every day without fail.  Every week the carry away my trash and I feel literally feel joy as they drive away leaving my dumpster empty.  I guess it's because they help carry away the gunk I don't know what to do with.  Our guys here in town are super friendly, always waving and polite.  It helps that we live in a small town.  They have even gotten my dumpster a time or two when I've forgotten to take it to the curb.  Now, that's service!
   On to reusing, I have never been a fan of this.  We were extremely poor growing up so mom washed and reused everything - even disposable products if possible.  So, as an adult I have rejected this idea, until lately.  I haven't taken it to the extreme that my mother had, but I do reuse the same Ziploc bag for my home made sliced bread and things like that.  I also use the same Ziploc bag for crushing cracker crumbs until there are holes in it - I just store it in the cabinet under the cracker box.  If I'm out of Ziploc bags, I'll transfer cereal to a Tupperware container and use the bag from the cereal to crush the crumbs in.
   Anyhow, this short little blog is basically meant to encourage you to recycle as well.  My recycle pile is simple - I use a laundry basket and if it exceeds the basket (which it often does) then I use an empty storage tote.  My daughter collapses all the boxes and such to use as little space in the basket as possible.  This gives her ownership of the recycling pile and she distributes it all without fail and loves doing it.  Who'd have thought that recycling could bring a child such joy!?  But I'd be kidding myself if I didn't admit that I like it also.  It lightens the load of my beloved sanitation workers, lightens the load of the landfill and lightens the load on my conscience!  Keep it simple, but go ahead and try it if you're not already doing it!  I hear the trash truck now! Blessings!