Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Well, this next winter weather storm is hitting us - about the same time that we are experiencing some serious spring fever.  Go figure.  Today has been very difficult keeping my daughter on task with her schooling as she flits about from subject to subject.  I can't even keep up long enough to teach her and she's off on another assignment.  That is probably one downfall of the sliding drawer system, she can jump around as much as she pleases.  Generally, it isn't a problem but today it certainly is. Fortunately, she has managed to complete everything except her solar system - we're making a mobile.  First comes the decorating of the planets (girls are so much fun).  Because, you know, we have to make them all pretty and sparkly.  She has also made a Valentine's Day mobile.  I sense a theme in her mind, I wonder how many things will be hanging from hooks and such before this phase passes. . .

I think I have "caught" the random bug, because now I want to talk about my new EdenPURE heater.  It FINALLY came yesterday.  It is so quiet and keeps our drafty living room warm.  I love it!  We have eight windows in our family room that are original to the home and even though there are storm windows on the outside that are fairly new, it is still drafty.  I am anxious to compare utility bills now.  I promise to keep you posted, because EdenPURE sure promises affordability. 

Next.  My dear friend Debi & I gardened together last year and we both learned a lot.  This year we have decided to start our little tomatoes from seeds rather than waiting and buying them from Lowes for buy one get one free.  That was a really great deal, except a majority of the tomatoes were mislabeled and we ended up with about 15 cherry tomato plants.  The kids loved them, but honestly, by the end of August we were all feeling the, "if I see one more cherry tomato, I'm gonna scream!" syndrome.  Plus, because there were so many of them and not of the large tomatoes, it really cut back on our ability to preserve for the winter.  So we went through the site www.pennystomatoes.com and purchased organic tomato seeds very reasonably.  She also threw in a couple packs of free seeds as well.  The benefit to the organic seeds is, because they haven't been genetically altered, we will be able to harvest seeds at the end of the season and grow from them next winter.  We also purchased from Penny's compatriot, Pepper Joe at www.pepperjoe.com for jalapenos for the pickle recipe.  The next step in the process is to make our own seed pots.  That's right, we're not buying jiffy pots from the local hardware/discount store.  We're making our own using newspapers.  This was certainly a venture Debi started, but like most things that Debi starts - it will be a fantastic venture that will work marvelously.  I will get you the link on how to make them, I know it is on you tube. 

As I look outside and see the blustery cold, I realize I would have made a terrible, terrible pioneer wife.  It is easy to fantasize about the simpler times, but in all honesty they were not simple.  Sometimes I feel like a slave to the cell phone, utility bills, vehicle expenses and long for just a roof and a few belongings and the quiet.  But, do I?  Not really.  I can't imagine having no contact with my friends except for on special occasions.  And not because of just lack of transportation, but because there was just no time for it.  We really, truly have it so easy.  Unfortunately the demands of technology can really pull us until we feel like Gumby, but even then it is so easy to eliminate the stress.  If we really wanted to.  After all, the phones could be unplugged or shut off.  Same goes for internet and television.  But if we lived 150 years ago, we'd have to make our own soap from water we carried from the nearby stream, feed our animals and kill them to eat them.  We'd have to walk or ride to town in a rough wagon pulled by work animals.  Our homes would be cold.  Have you ever stopped to think about how cold their houses were in the winter.  Fuel to burn would have been precious and you wouldn't want to waste it because you felt chilled.  You needed it to cook on and all sorts of things.  Everything had a multi-purpose and if it didn't then it wasn't worth having.  A true definition of wants and needs was established and hardly ever crossed.  Well, something to think about anyhow...

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