Monday, February 21, 2011

Martha's Meltdown

Yes, it happened.  Just like in the Bible, I found myself shouting about how I needed help.  Our lives have been extremely busy and I'm not sure how it happened but it seems as though every minute of every day is filled.  It probably started last weekend when we traveled across the state of Kansas to go to a Junior Bible Quiz meet.  It was great fun and the kids actually got first in the league.  Then we headed home and my Sunday was full of worship and making chocolate covered strawberries & cherries (see previous post).  Monday came and with work, a couple missed orders for Valentine's Day sweets, fiddle lessons, meeting, filling the order of missed sweets and packing up my husband to be gone for several days, I dropped into bed exhausted!  The next couple days were filled with work, then sick child, painting exterior doors of our home (with help from friend) and play practice. Yes, we're in a play too.  Thursday was finish painting, child is better, recycling, cleaning, couponing and husband comes home. Friday is friend appreciation day - where we invited our friends, the Calhouns over for dinner and a movie because we appreciated all their help the last couple of weeks.  Saturday was Blue Grass Festival with Malorie performing and then grocery shopping with our college son, starting pepper seeds of various varieties, and eating out with the parents.  We were also supposed to stop on the way home for a birthday party, but just too tired.  Sunday was worship, cleaning up flower beds (not a whole lot of progress was made) and late night laundry and dishes.  I was trying to take Mary's advice of no matter how tired you are, make sure your sink is shiny.  UGH!  Then, after that it was preparing for the board meeting that was the next day, UGH again!  Monday - work, board meeting, 10 dozen brownies for a company's open house, fiddle, coupon class (skipped coupon exchange) and play practice.  I should also mention that we have managed to do school during this time frame. 

SO - last night, I became irritated at my husband when he's laying on the couch at 10PM and he didn't bring his cereal bowl (snack) to the kitchen and I had to go get it.  The tears came.  And, being a man he wants to just fix it - he doesn't want to listen to me vent or whine, he just wants it better immediately.  Bless his heart.  He did get up and wash dishes while I cried and complained.  I was a first class whiner last night but, being a typical female, the more I talked the better I felt.  I was reminded of Martha in the Book - how she became upset because she had completely lost sight of what was truly important.  No, I don't feel as though I frittered any time away, as I have previously suggested that's why Martha was overwhelmed.  But, I do know that I have taken off more than I can chew.  The problem is what to tone down. . . do I slow down in the ministry that teaches women to coupon and essentially relieves stress in their homes and allows us to show them Christ's unconditional love for us?  Do I quit my job?  In my dreams, but not in the plans right now!  Do I quit gardening?  What?! And not have tomatoes to eat in the summer - not an option.  Besides the hard, tedious part is over.  At least until it's time to put those tomatoes and peppers in the ground.  Do I quit the play?  Nope.  I LIKE pretending to be someone else and taking on someone else's pretend problems.

Well, I think that all will be fine as I sit here on Monday evening.  I have accomplished it all today and I actually feel rather relaxed.  Taking everything one step at a time, remembering to call on Jesus to help me from getting overwhelmed and doing what I do cheerfully is essential.  Some weeks are better than others.   Some weeks, just like this past one, a ton of tasks are accomplished.  Then there are the weeks that you're lucky if your husband has clean underwear to wear to work.  The hard part is not getting frustrated with lack of accomplishment or with having an overload.  Oh, did I mention my son is getting married in 6 weeks?!  Yeah, I'm crazy, I know - but it keeps life eventful!  Blessings!

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