
Feel free to leave a comment on this question:  What's the craziest thing you've ever done for a coupon?

It's true, I've done many silly things to obtain the necessary coupon.  I've bartered with my coupon buddy (the person you take to the store to double check your thinking process), I've sent my child through the store looking for blinkies and I have dumpster-dived for coupons.  Even before the Krazy Coupon Lady dove into a dumpster on TV I was happily diving in for weekly inserts at the local recycling center.  My son now scours the campus of his university on Sundays for those coveted inserts.  Coupons are money and the sooner your brain comprehends and starts calculating that the better off you'll be!  I plan to never again pay for toothpaste, razors, deodorant and body wash.  Other things are free too, but the a fore mentioned are free in abundance!

To be able to print 2 coupons on hosted coupon sites, after the first one has started printing, hit your back button and almost always will you be allowed to print 2 coupons!

For tips and tricks please visit Noble Rubies on Facebook.  On there, is also a youtube link on how to build a great coupon binder by using baseball trading card sleeves.  I file by rows in the store I most frequently shop at, that way as I enter a row, I flip a page and can make sure that I don't miss any unadvertised "deals".

In my coupons binder, I also simplify by dedicating one whole page to Pilsbury coupons filed from best coupon price to least.  I also use one pocket for all toothpaste coupons - this eliminates the need for more pages because there are so many brands of this item.  I also do that for fabric softeners, butters, detergents, soap. 

The biggest key to coupons is matching the coupons with ecoupons, sales and catalina coupons. 
Ecoupons can be loaded onto specific store cards by various sites.
Catalina coupons are those that are printed at the register after you pay for your shopping trip. 

Thanks for navigating around our blog and we hope you have found some useful information.  Our mission is to bless others as we have been blessed.