Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Reflecting on Redemption (it's not just about the coupons...)

It's funny how some things just never cease to amaze you.  Especially when it comes to human nature.  You've all read it, I am guilty of dumpster diving and finding great coupons.  It's something I'm not necessarily "proud" of, but I do think it is quite funny.  I don't actually see myself as a dumpster diver, but I did grow in confidence when I discovered the Krazy Coupon Lady does it too!  In fact, there are several of us in town that visit the recycling center to obtain coupons.  It's not such a bad thing.  We are, in fact, multi tasking.  We drop off our recyclables and then we take a gander at the newspaper box.  I can even honestly say that recycling has increased because of our little trips. And, even though I don't "dive" so often, I do still go once or twice a week to take my trash. 

But here is the part that flabbergasts me.  It's nothing short of it.  There is a lady in our town that realized her coupons might be commandeered at the recycling center.  So, now she THROWS THEM AWAY!  This way no one can use her unwanted trash.  So, yes, I am getting on my soapbox.  I almost called her because I know this woman personally.  She says she's community oriented.  But how can someone who claims to care about their community and fellow brothers and sisters NOT?!  Yes, coupons are a small part, even minimal but it could potentially bless a young mother trying to stay home and make ends meet.  It could bless an older couple on a fixed income.  Yes, the coupons are so minimal - but if she isn't even willing to share her unwanted coupons, then it makes one wonder how much she really would help someone in need. 

It truly is sad how easily our selfish nature can shine through in each one of us.  That isn't what God wants.  That isn't what He did.  His love, His generosity is so perfect.  We can never be perfect, but we can be Christ-like as long as we are mindful and diligent in our actions.  What have you done recently that could either be deemed as selfish or Christ-like?  Which made you feel indignant?  Which made you feel humbled?  I know that when I am acting selfish I tend to feel overly righteous and can think of a million excuses as to why I acted the way I did.  But, when I follow Christ's lead and do what He says, I am often in awe of His goodness and what He is able to do through me when I step back and let Him.

The world is short on kindness.  We as Christians need to step outside of our comfort zone and be the way Jesus commands us to be.  Lent is traditionally a time when we give up something which allows us extra time to reflect on Christ.  However, it can very well be a time when we add something to our daily routine.  It could be a devotion, prayer time or a simple good deed - particularly to a non-Christian.  And, let's face it, there are plenty of people out there needing to not just know about Jesus, but to see Jesus work through your arms as you reach out and help them.  Actions have always spoken louder than words.  How loud will you be?   Blessings.

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