Thursday, January 20, 2011

Breaking The Chains Link Two

Wow, I really let everybody hanging on this Chain breaking thing.......But while Martha has been canning tomatoes, knitting homemade Valentine underwear and making home made saltines crackers I've been stuck in the real world wiping snotty noses, refereeing sword fights, curing a coon hide and taking care of a rabbit that was recently trapped, it is still being debated if it will be used for bobcat bait, keep as a pet, or possibly tomorrow nights dinner.

So I have my list of the of the things that seem to affect how everything runs in this house from getting the hubby out the door so he can bring home the bacon, to getting the bacon in the frying pan, to feeding the little piggies their roast beef, to getting them educated-(so they will leave home), so momma can have more time and energy for daddy so they can make more! (Sorry, that just started flowing!!!!)

Most of you have probably heard of the Fly Lady at But if you haven't it is a great site to help you end the “chaos”. I did find it was just to much information at once for me so I had to tweak her plan a little bit and make it work better for me and my family-but it may be just what you need-so if you have never checked her site out you should.

The first order of business is to make out a check list or routines for the morning and night - of the things that you put on your list of things that have to get done-This is not a daily to-do list-This is a routine that you do everyday, even on the weekends and holidays. It is going to include all those things that were on the have to get done list. Put it up some where, where you will see it, don't worry about making it pretty for now-because it will probably change and take a few different versions to figure out what flows the best for your schedule and family. The goal is that these routines become automatic-you just do it without even thinking about it. Your routine needs to fit into your life and your families needs but there are a few Mary Musts-

Make a bedtime routine for you and your children and make sure it is done before 8:00 pm. Even if your kids do not go to bed that early ~Get it done so it is not hanging over your head and you can enjoy your evening together. It is also important that you teach your kids this time management skill and for them too (if age permits) just do it with out your hounding.

Here are my routines: The bold print is a must!

Morning: Must start by 6:15
  1. Start a load of Laundry
  2. Enter any checks or debit card into the computer-Check calendar
  3. Empty the dish washer
  4. Get Shane's lunch packed/breakfast
  5. Lay out meat/any dinner prep for the day
  6. Start school

My afternoon routine: Must Start by 3:30
      1. Everyone spends 20 minute picking up
      2. Put the days laundry away
      3. Vacuum
      4. Boys pick 1 toy or game for the evening-that's it nothing else can get out!
      5. Look over the menu for the tomorrow-Lay out meat or any prep work, get sack lunches ready
      6. Start on Dinner

My Evening Routine: Start as soon as dinner is over. Make sure It is done by 8:00

      1. Dinner Clean-up-Myself and one big boy
      2. Little boys bath-The big boy that is not helping with dishes gives the boys their bath and reads to them while they are in the tub.
      3. Another 10-20 minute pick-up
      4. Look over tomorrows to do lists
      5. Make sure the sink is shiny clean
      6. At 8:15-Mom reads bible to all kiddos
      7. 8:30 light out for little ones
      8. 9:00 big boys must be in their room-they can read, play DS, listen to music. They just have to be out of our sight and QUIET
      9. 10:00 LIGHTS OUT

When you are planning your routines and the time you start your day consider this:
She gets up while it is still night...Proverbs 31:15                       I know....nobody really wants to hear this, and it is one of those bible verses we think we can ignore-But again, I've learned that everything is in there for a reason and God knew that a wife and mother was going to need a head start everyday. The proverbs 31 woman needed it and she had servants-DON'T BLAME ME-BLAME EVE !

Stay away from the temptation to let dishes "Soak" over night-It is normally not necessary, and it is just a yicky way to start your day. My DH gave me this helpful hint and I have for ever been grateful to him for it. If you have a stubborn pot, put it back on the stove with a squirt of dish soap,  bring it to a boil and let it simmer for about  five to 10 minute. The gunk comes right off. I also use this trick for the crock-pot, Of Course then I have to break the overnight rule-but if I fill it with water and soap and turn it on low, by morning it comes right off and you still avoid the dreaded sticking your hand in cold nasty dishwater!

I know what you are thinking? What, Her 8 and 10 year old give the little ones their bath? Yep and they do a great job! This is just the way I found our evenings go better, I have time to get the kitchen really clean and still have time to enjoy the evening with everyone. I have learned that children are far more capable of things then what adults in this modern age expect of them. Of course I am just right in the other room and was right there in the bathroom the first few times we tried this. But don't just assume your child is not ready to do a certain task-You will know after you have helped them a few times if it is a chore they can continue doing, or if it is just not something they are ready for yet.

1 comment:

  1. Well! You just kissed your little red underwear good-bye Miss Mary! Awesome blog and I especially love the part where kids are in their room by 9PM! Even Martha needs a whole lot of tips to make things smoother, so thank you from the bottom of my heart underwear :D
