Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cost Efficient Heating Part 2

This topic seemed to create a lot of interest from many of my  friends, so I thought I'd keep you updated on some of our decisions. 

We are pretty much sold on a multi-fuel stove that will burn not only wood pellets but also various grains.  I even have the perfect alcove in my home where it will sit and look just wonderful.  It's in our main family room, so we will be able to enjoy the flame along with the TV.  Currently the alcove houses our home office operation, but since computers are an essential part of life, I'm sure we'll find a great spot for it.  I spent about 20 minutes talking to Mary's mother today and she really gave some great things to look for in a stove.  One of those things was the ash drawer as opposed to scooping out the ashes.  I'm glad she mentioned that in the event we purchase a used corn / pellet stove, I  know to look for the drawer!  Another thing she mentioned was her new one has a larger glass front because she likes to watch the flame - well, so do I, so I need to remember that as well. 

The only kicker is that the man of the house has decided to wait on the purchase of the stove.  This makes me sad, but he is not one to rush into a "renovation" - particularly one that will require a hole in our lovely home. 

He reasoned to his very disappointed wife (me) that this is an in and out project and if he has any trouble, he doesn't want to have a whole in the house.  However, since I am ever optimistic, I don't foresee any problems that he can't overcome.  What's a hole in a lathe and plaster, wood framed, stucco, vinyl sided house anyhow?  OK, OK, I'm starting to see his point. 

But, I'm very concerned about my creature comfort of wanting to be warm AND save money.  What's a girl to do?  Well, we visited with his oldest brother who has had an EdenPURE room heater for about 4 years.  This heater keeps their main rooms in their house (a house that my hubby and I renovated when I was 7 mos. pregnant) at about 70 degrees.  It raised their electric bill about $25 a month, but as a result, the furnace does not kick on.  Hmmm. 

After talking with the wise brother, I realized that my man of the house was thinking this was a quick & easy fix and I was a little dismayed.  I really, really want a corn/pellet stove! 

We researched which EdenPURE to buy and went with the Gen4 model for $397.  A dear friend of mine will ask if I had a coupon. No, I didn't but I did get free shipping!  This will keep our home toastier until we can get a corn/pellet stove installed.  The man of the house assured me that we will be getting a stove and when that happens the EdenPURE will be going into the basement to make sure that all stays toasty and warm as well.  I am pretty sure we will be going with a Harman Stove (see link on the sidebar).  They are a family owned and operated company that is and always has been American made.  The warranty and guarantee are phenomenal.  I find great pride in owning something  so profound made in our beautiful, free country. 

They have beautiful fireplace inserts that I would just love to have.  But, my fear is our fireplace is very close to the bedrooms and we like a cool room to sleep in.  (The man of the house gets hot when it's 66 at night.)  And, since corn/pellet stoves seem to really warm up a home, I know it would make him miserable at night even if we shut the stove off and closed the door during the day.  Therefore, that is why we selected the northeast corner of our house to put a freestanding stove - our bedroom is in the southwest corner of the house. 

If your family has a corn/pellet stove or has an alternative source that keeps your home warm with an efficient price, feel free to post!  Oh, and one thing to remember if your family is considering this for an alternate heat source - 2011 is a 15% tax credit dollar for dollar on your tax return.  Every little bit counts!  Blessings to you all!  Martha

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