Friday, January 21, 2011

Clear the Clutter

I find that I like to be prepared, or at least try to be prepared in a mayhem sort of way. Due to this need of preparation, I find that storage is an issue.  Particularly since I live in a 1925 bungalow (they just didn't need all the stuff we need nowadays).  There is just so much stuff a person needs to be organized, prepared and efficient...and if you want to add creative in there, well, that's a whole other need for storage!
   Mary is hard at work creating some grand organization project that I am sure will "WOW" us to  no end, but until that is actually completed I have just a few tips for everyday, easy efficiency that I can offer.
   The first and most annoying thing for me is the kitchen drawer full of utensils.  Sometimes, I can't even close my drawer because the utensils aren't laying right and there are just too many of them.  I thought the other night that I actually have my own spoon army!  Obviously, everything in that drawer is of use at some point...spoons, potato masher, garlic press, candy thermometer, tongs, pasta thingy - there are just so many options to cook with.  But, I recommend getting rid of the plethora of spoons or spatulas or whatever you have in excess of.  I honestly can say I don't need 4 slotted spoons and 2 regular spoons.  An option (which does take a little organization) is to get with a group of friends and do a utensil exchange.  Of course, it is a possibility that everyone has an over abundance of spoons.  In that case, pack'em up and ship'em out! 
   Coffee mugs - need I say more?   I have many wonderful coffee mugs that were once part of a set I liked, given as gifts or picked up as freebies.  In my perfect little world, everything in my cabinet matches - yes, that really is important to me.  My mother thought I'd outgrow that, but I haven't.  On the other hand, I have learned to deal with non-matching items.  And, coffee mugs is one of those categories where I sigh every time I open the cabinet.  First of all, it is completely overflowing.  Second of all, my husband has an adoration with his green Cricket phone coffee mugs.  They are several years old, the green paint is chipping off and he loves them.  Have I mentioned they are well past their prime and are u-g-l-y?!  So, here goes nothing, I am going to get rid of the coffee mugs that I deem rather lovely because we never use them and they take up too much space.  I have accepted the fact that my husband loves ugly mugs and I am going to be a wonderful wife and allow him to keep them.  So, though your mugs may have a sentimental value or you possess an innate desire to coordinate and it's just not working for you - free yourself of the clutter.  Put the mugs with the spoons and make at least enough room that a mug doesn't fall out when you open the cabinet door.
   Well, with that said, let's keep moving throughout the house.  We're on a roll after all!  We have eliminated clutter in a cabinet and enabled a drawer to open and close.  What about all those books?  OK, so maybe you don't have the same collection of books I have.  But, I love books.  I love the smell, the way the pages feel (unless they use cheap scratchy paper, then I can't even touch it 'cause it freaks me out) and just knowing that there is an infinite amount of knowledge surrounding me.  Heck, our home now has built in bookshelves and I love books so much that I even left the previous owner's books on the shelves.  But, books can also create clutter if we're not careful.  There is a site that you can actually send your unwanted books = .  Now, I can't think of a better place for books to go!  Plus, it frees up shelf space to put pictures of your wonderful children (more bragging rights)!
   And, speaking of the kiddos, what about that stash of art made by those wonderfully creative critters that you adore with all of your heart?  Craft after craft, drawing after drawing - I only have one child and we are on overload with the amazing creative talents of  my daughter.  But, as a mom, it seems so cold and heartless to throw something in the trash that she so obviously labored over.  And, their hearts are so pure and they express their love through the amazing art they produce.  What is a parent to do?  Thank goodness for the modern digital age.  My answer to this question is to take pictures of the art and save in a separate file & CD.  This way you can enjoy the art, but not be swimming in cotton balls, glitter and Popsicle sticks.  You can even have them create a slide show of the artwork that runs as a screen saver too!  OK, so it will still be hard to haul it to the trash.  You may have to wait until you are in a "I have to get rid of all this junk" mood and the children aren't there to stare at you with big sad eyes as you toss it.  But, truth be known, I'm still saving the holiday crafts.  With one child, I have that luxury of space. 
   The digital age is nice for so many things, but is anyone else experiencing not cobwebs, but cord webs?  Chargers for every gadget imaginable is about to drive me crazy!  I have resorted to Ziploc bags with what the cord/charger is for  written on them.  Then, every bag containing a charger is tossed into one dresser drawer.  This way, I know where to go to look for something.  It's not the greatest method, but it works and it's easy.  Someday, I may have Mary make me a fancier system (yeah, right).
   The last is blankets and sheets.  First of all, if your blankets sit in a closet without being used an entire winter, please donate them to a shelter or something.  There are many people that are in dire need of a blanket and it would be such a blessing for them.  According to the Fly Lady (as previously mentioned in various blogs) she recommends 2 sets of sheets per bed in the house.  I recommend placing the fitted sheet, flat sheet and second pillow case inside of the other pillowcase.  Then - and I love this idea since I don't have closets - place the extra sheet set under the foot of the mattress it fits.(this last portion is also a tidbit offered by The Fly Lady)  How simple is that?  Even if you do have a closet, you have freed up extra space.  Also, it's much easier to pull out that sheet set and know it will fit that bed, rather than pull it out of a closet and not remember if it fit the queen or the full...
   That's about all the organization - get rid of unwanted clutter tips I have for now.  No, it didn't take another Rubbermaid tote, more shelving or storage rental unit - but it did free up some common space that we meet face to face every day.  So, have a great time trading, taking pictures, marking plastic bags and folding sheets but remember at the end of the day it will leave you feeling refreshed and efficient. This, in turn, allows for great bonding time with the family and spending time at the Lord's Feet rejoicing in His Goodness and Glory.

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