Saturday, January 29, 2011


  Many of you know that I have been in quite the slump.  However, as I wind down on this Saturday evening and reflect on the week, I realize that I have made many triumphs which leads me to feel victorious.  I don't want to seem prideful but it's been a good week.
  Ever notice when there are a ton of little "tasks" that need to be done it tends to leave you feeling grumpy or like you're climbing up a mountain barefoot?  That's how I've been feeling for quite a while.  With the impending marriage of my oldest stepson, I really want our home in tip-top shape.  Only, when I look around, I see nothing but the i's that need dotted and the t's that need crossed.  The many little tasks actually seem more daunting than a major remodel at this point.  What do to?  Where to begin?  Maybe I'll just go scrub the toilet . . .  No, wait, start working on the list.  So, to the basement I head in hopes of finding a fairly clean and not overly used paintbrush and that dark chocolate brown paint I bought a couple years ago.
  Paintbrush.  Check.  Paint.  Check.  Paint can opener - MIA.  Flatblade screwdriver.  That's easy, my husband owns stock in Sears (I'm pretty sure of it). 
   Three years ago we did a major kitchen remodel.  I mean major - took out 2 walls, one of which was a supporting wall, created beams to withstand the weight, moved the plumbing and electrical.  What we didn't do is replace the windows.  The trim had been painted several times, so to match all the new woodwork, I simply purchased chocolate chip brown paint by Valspar which matches exactly, just without the woodgrain.  I remember it was homecoming night for the high school and my son Corey's senior year. And I thought I could paint the trim before the game.  I did.  Except one of the windows was open about three inches and once I realized it - I had to let it go until the paint dried before I could close the window and paint the remainder of the green trim to brown.  Who'd have thought it took paint three years to dry. . . hmmmm.  No, not really it just took me three years to get back to it! 
   Next the paint can journeys to our master bedroom.  When we purchased the house, this room was sponge painted pink and blue with the trim being painted John Deere green.  Anyone who knows our family knows that color on anything (and especially a tractor, combine or any other farm equipment) is completely unacceptable.  Before we moved in, I painted the room a deep forest green, but didn't ever get around to the trim.  In fact, I hung curtains and "forgot" about it.  But not really.  Another one of those things that eats on you while you pretend it's something you just don't have time for.  After all, not many people actually see your bedroom.
   I do need to back up a little bit.  What sparked this sudden burst of energy began one day when I went to open the blinds in my bedroom to let the sun in and the curtain fell down.  Just like that.  So, the way I saw it was why hang the curtain up with the trim needing to be painted and why not paint the window in the kitchen and get rid of that too?  Funny how one little thing can truly start a cataclysmic set of events.
  Since that fateful day I have stained 2 doors that we replaced a year ago but never stained, sanded down woodwork that had paint drippings on it and re stained those as well.  I have also sanded the vanity in the bathroom and stained to match the woodwork in the house, painted 2 of the exterior doors and started chipping off paint on our porch to be repainted this spring.  I have also all but completed our taxes of both our personal and farming - just need to send them to our accountant within this time frame.  Our family has not eaten out during this and we have home schooled every day and prepared for the next Junior Bible Quiz meet as well.  Did I mention that I worked about 30 hours a week the last few weeks?  This is why I feel as though I have climbed that mountain of projects.  It is so freeing.  I think back and wonder why in the world I put those little mundane jobs off for so long.  I want to encourage you to chip away at your to-do list but not to be like me.  Don't wait for the curtain to fall - don't be the hare in the race, be the tortoise.  Do your tasks as they come along so that you aren't overwhelmed or dreading them as they mount up.  And most of all, don't expect the impossible of yourself - be yourself and be the best you that you can be!  Blessings - I think I'll go crochet an afghan for my son and his future wife (just kidding, though I'd love to!) !

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