Friday, January 14, 2011

Following Mary's Lead

    There is a certain amount of consolation I find when performing the mundane tasks of everyday.  Often times, they are mindless because they are done everyday, the same way with the same results.  Laundry, dishes and vacuuming are these chores for me.  But I need the normalcy of these tasks.  Especially as I reflect on 2010. 
   The biggest struggle I face is getting to where I want to be.  I want to be at the Lord's feet, listening and discovering what He has in store for me.  However, I tend to have a "shiny" personality and am quickly distracted with what needs to be done.  But, for you Marthas out there, I have realized and pray you realize not to be so hard on yourselves. We are serving the Lord when we provide our families with healthy meals.  We are serving Him when we work hard at our jobs and to the best of our abilities. 
   So, take heart as you embrace your work.  The important thing is to do it joyfully as if you were doing it for Christ.  Because, in fact, you are doing it for Him.  Every little thing that you do matters, even when no one sees it. 
   I grew up very poor and with very little of anything.  I also grew up in a house lacking joy and love and laughter.  So, I associate being poor with misery.  This isn't true and with the wisdom God has given I realize that.  But along the way of realizing this, I have made many mistakes.  Trying to buy happiness is probably one of the biggest mistakes I have made -many, many times.  As I have gotten older I have met so many blessed people that had little as well, but the difference is there was love.  It reminds me of Paul's letter to the Corinthians:

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.  If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.  If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing . 1Corinthians 13:1-3 NIV

See, this goes as simple as us dusting the furniture, sweeping the floor, hanging the clothes, couponing and every other thing we do.  We must do it out of love.  If we can't do it with love, then we might as not do it at all.  Having been in a home with no love, it didn't matter to me as a little girl that the dishes were clean.  I didn't care if my clothes were without stains.  What I wanted was to be important to someone, to matter, to have someone go out of their way to do something for me.  That's what our families need.  If I dust, make it so it's because it makes the air quality in the house better for those I love.  If I must clean my kitchen, make it so it's because I want to make them something yummy.  If I must do the laundry, let it be because I adore those under my roof and I want them to feel comfort.  Bring back the joy in the every day.  Don't forget to laugh.  Because when you do, you are taking it to the feet of Jesus.  And He, too, is happy.

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