Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kitchen Tips of the Day part 1

Some helpful hints I find helpful - you may already know &  are doing these.

For deviled eggs (I love to eat them, just hate the mess!):  boil eggs, peel and half as normal.  Take a ziploc bag and place the yolks and your other ingredients of preference.  Simply mash the bag after sealing it.  Once it is mashed well, simply cut the corner of the bag and pipe into the egg halves.  Simple, almost no mess and really great for those little helping hands that are just so eager!

Hashbrowns have gotten very expensive at the grocery store and hardly ever go on sale.  After various attempts at making my own hash browns and them not turning out how I'd expected I have found the "secret"!  Simply bake your potatoes, I do it until they're about half done.  I usually do this at the same time I make baked potatoes for supper, but pull the ones out I want for a later use.  Refrigerate.  Then, simply grate them into a skillet with a little oil and flavor to your specifications.  I like onion salt, diced onion and diced green & red peppers.  Your hash browns will turn out with the same consistency as the store bought, but you'll save a lot of $$! 

If you make your own granola I have discovered that when short on honey (or maple syrup) to use some of that delicious home made jam/jelly and it adds a whole new delicious element to the granola.  For a recipe for granola please see our recipe page.

Pilsbury biscuits are a wonderful buy if you are a coupon user.  Unfortunately the rolls come in 8.  When we had all of our kids living at home, one roll wasn't enough and two rolls was too many.  Now that we only have one kiddo at home, one roll is too many.  So, what I do is open the canister and bake what I need.  The others I place in a ziploc bag and either place in the fridge if I 'm going to be using in the next couple of days or in the freezer if I think it's going to be awhile.  This way it keeps us from wasting uneaten biscuits.  Even with the best of intentions of eating them with other meals, there always seems to be one unwanted biscout.  This process eliminates that wastfulness.  Which leads me to my next tip:

Many, many people purchase preboxed dressing for holiday meals.  I suggest about a month or two (depending on the size of your family) to start tossing your uneaten bread, buns, biscuits into the freezer.  You will be surprised at the collection you accumulate.  A couple days before the big meal, lay out the bread to allow it to thaw and dry out.  Then, simply crumble the bread and google a dressing recipe that sounds to your liking.  Again, a pretty big $$ saver and one of my favorite tips.

Well, that's about it for today - but check back soon for more tips to run your kitchen and household more efficiently!  Blessings!

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